CREATE YOUR SITEAre you ready to get started?BUY THIS THEME
FULL SCREEN VIDEOSCreating beautiful sliders is simple with Slider Revolution.GET STARTED
Page Builder
Create comes with a page builder that allows you to create pages exactly how you want.Responsive Layout
Create is a responsive theme. Its layout adjusts to look great on any screen size or device.Retina Ready
Built with the latest technology in mind, rest assured that your site will look crisp on retina displays.
Multiple Headers
Three different header layouts plus color and other options give you plenty of flexibility.Powerful Options
Create comes with tons of options built right into the WordPress Customizer. So you can give your site a unique look.Built-in Mega Menu
There is a mega menu built in for those sites that have a lot of pages. You can easily add icons to menu items.Our Latest Work
Create unlimited parallax sections for your pages. It's as easy as adding a new page build row, uploading and image, and choosing "parallax from the drop down.
What People Are Saying
Display testimonials as a slider or grid.

“Praesent lacinia risus ipsum, sed gravida velit lacinia ut. Pellentesque orci lacus, egestas sed pellentesque nec, blandit nec enim. Morbi fringilla nisi dolor, et accumsan sem dapibus nec.”
Endemol Design is Endemol Shine’s in-house design unit, actief in alle design-disciplines en is gespecialiseerd in design voor televisie en scherm-gerelateerde media. Behalve voor Endemol Shine werkt Endemol Design ook voor externe opdrachtgevers, zoals adverteerders, zenders en andere mediabedrijven, overheden en maatschappelijke organisaties.
Endemol DesignBoxed or Wide Layout
Choose between a boxed or wide site layout, giving you the flexibility to create many unique websites.One-page Option
Create a navigation that scrolls to different sections on a single page.Portfolio Options
Packed with tons of portfolio options: masonry or grid layout, load more button, and more.Top-notch Support
Read the documentation, but still have questions? We're here to help.One-click Demo Install
We make it easy for you to get started with all of the layouts you see here in the demo.Detailed Documentation
Create has a lot features. We've taken the time to explain how to use them.Recent News
Display recent posts as a carousel or grid.
Building the Perfect Team
March 10, 2017Mauris eget quam orci. Quisque porta varius dui, quis posuere nibh mollis quis. Mauris commodo rhoncus porttitor. Maecenas et euismod elit. Nulla facilisi. Vivamus lacus libero, ultrices non ullamcorper ac, tempus sit amet enim. Suspendisse at semper ipsum. Suspendisse sagittis diam a massa viverra sollicitudin. Vivamus sagittis est eu diam fringilla nec tristique metus vestibulum. … Read More
Take a Look at Our New Office
March 10, 2017Mauris eget quam orci. Quisque porta varius dui, quis posuere nibh mollis quis. Mauris commodo rhoncus porttitor. Maecenas et euismod elit. Nulla facilisi. Vivamus lacus libero, ultrices non ullamcorper ac, tempus sit amet enim. Suspendisse at semper ipsum. Suspendisse sagittis diam a massa viverra sollicitudin. Vivamus sagittis est eu diam fringilla nec tristique metus vestibulum. … Read More
Hello world!
February 27, 2017Welcome to ThemeTrust Demos. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

October 28, 2015
October 6, 2015
Bud Light komt met slimme koelkast
October 6, 2015Biermerk Bud light zorgt er voor dat er ook een koelkast kan worden toegevoegd aan “the internet of things*” Een slimme koelkast die je waarschuwt als het bier op raakt en ervoor zorgt dat je bier de perfecte temperatuur heeft. En als iemand waagt een blikje aan te raken dan krijg je natuurlijk direct een alarm … Read More